Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day Seventeen- A Business Meeting in a Pub?

How do you separate your professional life from your personal life?

It's a question I keep coming back to when thinking about starting a company.

Not only does venturing down this path become personal for you, it involves your family, boyfriends/girlfriends and your personal finances.

To me this seems like a life consuming business. You're not going to start a company, or at least you shouldn't, if your heart isn't fully into it.

There is a passion that drives you. You can do it for monetary reasons but I can tell you , at least from what I've observed, you're going to burn out fast.

There has to be a fire in your heart and logic (?) in your if you are going to succeed.

Now for the flip side of my question....

As much as we try to create a solid and well defined line between our personal and professional lives I keep coming back to the need to have some sort of personal element to it.

I realized today that in order for me to work well with someone I need to understand their background. Why do they do what they do? What drives them to that behavior?

I firmly believe that if you have background knowledge you will be able to work with them in such a higher level than before.

If we let that personal aspect go then we don't understand that persons motivation. We don't know why they have have the mind set they do. As a leader if you don't know who you're leading then you can't lead your people in the right way.

This brings me back to a question Jan asked the first day of class and one I will leave you to contemplate.

What is the difference between manipulation and leading?


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