Moving Day! Today we moved from our hotel in downtown Dublin to the dorms on the University College of Dublin.
Once we arrived at the college we sat through a series of guest lectures that Jan Rutherford (our professor) put together.
At one point the class was discussing adversity they had all faced in places they had worked. As I sat there trying to figure out a situation where I had faced adversity in my work place. I couldn't.
Where I work now (Colorado Insurors Service Inc.; ) everyone is open and honest with each other.
- If someone seems to be falling behind another person steps in to see how they can help.
- Mike Gallagher (President) shares the companies gains and losses with everyone, in fact he has me put the reports together.
- Once a month Mike takes us all out to lunch where we take time to ask about everyone's lives.
- We celebrates everyone's birthday.
- If we are frustrated with anything in the company no one hesitates to step forward and state their issues and pose solution.
- Everyone is always asking for input on things they are doing and no one puts the other off when asked for input/help.
I hope to take all lessons I have learned here and have yet to learn and apply them to my future workings as a way to avoid certain problems.
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